Tag: anime

  • Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (sixth post)

    With September coming to an end, I felt like posting something, anything, on this blog for the month. This will be my sixth post on anime and manga, and I find it fitting to post this at this time, given the transition to a new anime season.

  • Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (fifth post)

    This will be my fifth post on anime and manga, and I will make it a quick post. This season, I have only picked up one anime, but there are a number of anime I’m considering for the following season.

  • General (not-so-)mini-post 8

    This is my eighth general mini-post. Or, it would be a mini-post, if I didn’t decide to repost some things from the second one. In any case, I’m currently working on episode 43 of Innocence Seekers: April Light, although progress is slow. However, I will instead discuss the background setting of Innocence Seekers.

  • General mini-post 7

    This is my seventh general mini-post. I’m working on episode 42 of Innocence Seekers: April Light, although a combination of writers’ block and drowsiness (possibly a side effect of medication I’m taking) is partially hindering my progress.

  • General mini-post 6

    This is my sixth general mini-post. A few days ago I added episode 37 of Innocence Seekers: April Light to the site, and I’ve begun episode 38. Additionally, I’ve looked into plans for the fourth chapter, as well as plans for New World Revolution.

  • Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (fourth post)

    This is yet another post discussing the anime and manga I’m looking at. This season there were four anime I had planned to watch. So far, I’m only watching two, while I intend to watch the other two at a later date. In addition, there are a fair amount of anime I’m looking at for…

  • Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (third post)

    This is another post discussing the anime and manga I’m looking at. So far, I’m watching one anime this season. I had considered others, but most of the others are either second/subsequent seasons of anime that I’ve yet to watch, works that don’t fit my rather strict criteria on what I will look into, works…

  • General mini-post 3

    This is my third update on what I am doing. A few days ago, I released episode 28 of Innocence Seekers: April Light, and I will begin episode 29 soon, health permitting. In the mean time, I’ve been considering some of the differences between the world of Innocence Seekers and our world.

  • Fifth general post

    It has been well over a year since my last general post. In that time, I haven’t had much time to focus on my side projects, and have focused quite a fair bit on Innocence Seekers: April Light. This post will be like the previous general posts.

  • Off-topic post: Anime I watched and am watching (ninth post)

    This is my ninth post on the anime I’ve watched. It has been a while since I last posted about the anime I’ve watched, but this time I won’t be posting full reviews. However, I will give a quick overview of what I thought about these anime in this post. Note that there may be…