Tag: manga

  • Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (sixth post)

    With September coming to an end, I felt like posting something, anything, on this blog for the month. This will be my sixth post on anime and manga, and I find it fitting to post this at this time, given the transition to a new anime season.

  • Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (fifth post)

    This will be my fifth post on anime and manga, and I will make it a quick post. This season, I have only picked up one anime, but there are a number of anime I’m considering for the following season.

  • General (not-so-)mini-post 8

    This is my eighth general mini-post. Or, it would be a mini-post, if I didn’t decide to repost some things from the second one. In any case, I’m currently working on episode 43 of Innocence Seekers: April Light, although progress is slow. However, I will instead discuss the background setting of Innocence Seekers.

  • General mini-post 7

    This is my seventh general mini-post. I’m working on episode 42 of Innocence Seekers: April Light, although a combination of writers’ block and drowsiness (possibly a side effect of medication I’m taking) is partially hindering my progress.

  • General mini-post 6

    This is my sixth general mini-post. A few days ago I added episode 37 of Innocence Seekers: April Light to the site, and I’ve begun episode 38. Additionally, I’ve looked into plans for the fourth chapter, as well as plans for New World Revolution.

  • Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (fourth post)

    This is yet another post discussing the anime and manga I’m looking at. This season there were four anime I had planned to watch. So far, I’m only watching two, while I intend to watch the other two at a later date. In addition, there are a fair amount of anime I’m looking at for…

  • General mini-post 5

    This is my fifth general mini-post. I’ve recently added Episode 30 of Innocence Seekers: April Light to the site, and Episode 31 is in the works right now (albeit in my head). Also, I’ve upgraded the server hosting this website to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but it wasn’t without issues.

  • Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (third post)

    This is another post discussing the anime and manga I’m looking at. So far, I’m watching one anime this season. I had considered others, but most of the others are either second/subsequent seasons of anime that I’ve yet to watch, works that don’t fit my rather strict criteria on what I will look into, works…

  • Fifth general post

    It has been well over a year since my last general post. In that time, I haven’t had much time to focus on my side projects, and have focused quite a fair bit on Innocence Seekers: April Light. This post will be like the previous general posts.

  • Off-topic post: Manga reviews and discussion (fourth post)

    For my first post of 2018, I will again talk about some of the manga I’ve read. Even though the kind of manga I read tends not to be officialy localised (and is often passed over by scanlators), my knowledge of Japanese allows me to read some of them despite no translation, official or otherwise.…