Innocence Seekers: April Light/Chapter 1/Episode 11

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This is the eleventh episode, "Battle of Earth" (地球の戦い), of the first chapter of Innocence Seekers: April Light.

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Episode text

On board the Amaterasu:

Radar Operator: Captain, the enemy fleet has arrived!

Fukuyama: Very well, then. Let us begin. Radio the Himiko!

Radio Operator: Yes, Captain!

Radar Operator: Hold on... another ship has arrived.

Fukuyama: Identification?

Radar Operator: It's the Eternity! Likkra has sent its flagship to help us!

Radio Operator: Incoming communication from the Eternity!

Fukuyama: What does the message say?

Radio Operator: It said that their queen had personally ordered them to help us. As of now she's in close contact with our own queen, monitoring the progress of this battle.

Fukuyama: Reply to them. We'll accept their help.

Radio Operator: Yes, Captain!

"April 22, 2012. That was the day when the Donsilan fleet arrived in Earth's solar system. We are ready. We are prepared to fight the invaders, and drive them from our home!"

In the Furusaka Shrine in Tokyo:

Mirai: It has begun, right?

Himawari: Looks like it.

Sakura: Well, we still need to do our bit to ensure victory. The government had ordered a general evacuation of the cities a few days ago, so it should be mostly empty.

Yuri: You know, Sakura, someone still needs to pay for any damage done during the battle.

Sumire: But the fact that all of us are gathered here, means that the enemy force is quite strong. Do you really think Earth's defences can cope?

Mizuki: It has been three years since Gakran. Earth has improved quite a lot in that time. But, really, this is their first test. I wonder if they can hold out.

Mirai: By the way, where is Inori?

Sakura: She said that she went to ask for her brother's help.

Mirai: You mean...

Yuri: Kazuya. I had the fortune of meeting him a year ago. In terms of personality, he's very similar to Inori.

Himawari: He's also fairly powerful, if the rumours are to be believed. From what I've heard, his powers are nearly at the same level as that of a magical girl, and that is impressive for an ordinary mage.

Mirai: I see. Anyway, what about Uzuki's group? I'm the most concerned about them.

Sumire: I have faith in them. After all... they hold the key to winning this war.

Mizuki: I too, am concerned about them. Particularly Wakaba. But, I know they can pull through.

Himawari: I feel the same way about Aoi. She's my little sister, after all.

Yuri: But... we can't do much from here. Let's do what we can.

Everyone: Yes!

Just outside the door of Kazuya's apartment, Inori was waiting. She had knocked on the door a minute ago.

Inori: Brother, I know you're in there! Can you answer me?!

There was no response.

Inori: Brother!

Finally, Kazuya responded.

Kazuya: I'm coming, I'm coming...

The door opened.

Inori: How many times do I have to knock on the door and call you out? You know what's going on out there, so at least do something to help!

Kazuya: Inori... it's been quite a while since you last visited me.

Inori: Well, last time I came I found the door unlocked, and you reading manga. But anyway, you need to help us.

Kazuya: I know, I know. But, can you allow me to go outside for a bit?

Inori: Ah, but be quick.

Kazuya walked outside of his apartment. Suddenly, he leapt from the walkway down onto the ground, and began to cast a spell. There was a bright flash of red light, and when the light died down, he was riding his magic device, which had transformed into a hovering vehicle.

Kazuya: Hop on, Inori.

Inori: Ah, right!

Inori leapt onto the vehicle. The two then flew away.

Just outside the Benson family mansion in Melbourne, Natasha was sitting alongside a maid.

Natasha: I guess the battle is going to begin very shortly, right?

Maid: It seems that way. A fair proportion of the city's population has already evacuated; the government has told those remaining that it is too late to leave. I told the other maids that they have the option of staying or leaving; most decided to head to safer areas, but some are staying to defend the city.

Natasha: Ideally the entire population should have evacuated. But, of course, it's impossible to order millions of people to just leave the city for the regional areas. Anyway, it's now up to us, and the militaries of the entire planet.

Suddenly, Natasha's phone vibrated for a short amount of time. She took it out.

Natasha: So they're here now. Alright, you know what to do. Secure the entire area. I'll keep an eye out for the enemy.

Maid: Yes, milady.

Just outside Catherine's house in Sydney:

Catherine: Chelsea, did you receive the text as well?

Chelsea: Yeah... it looks like the alert system is still working. Anyway, it all comes down to this.

Catherine: Alright, then. Let's go!

Green magic circles appeared beneath the feet of both girls. With a flash of green light, both girls changed into their mage outfits.

Meanwhile, the household maid exited the house.

Chelsea: Ah, protect the house while we're gone, okay?

Maid: Ah, yes.

On board the Amaterasu:

Uzuki: It has begun, right?

Aoi: Looks like it.

Wakaba: Everyone, look!

Everyone turned towards the viewscreen. It was showing one of the enemy ships deploying thousands of what appeared to be drone fighters.

Benio: So many...

Wakaba: Where are they heading?

Aoi: Some appear to be heading towards Earth.

Uzuki: Wait, can't we do something here?

Aoi: Unfortunately, no. We can only wait for now.

Benio: Wait... that one looks a bit different.

Benio pointed at one particular spacecraft. It did not resemble the drone fighters, but instead looked like a shuttle.

Uzuki: A shuttle? Is it heading towards Earth?

Benio: Looks like it.

Uzuki: Tell the others. I'm going to ask the captain to lend us a shuttle so we can intercept it.

Aoi: Uzuki, what do you have planned?

Uzuki: If it's a shuttle, then we may be able to capture whoever's inside. Aocchi, go get the others.

Aoi: Okay.

Aoi left the room.

Wakaba: Uzuki...

Benio: I hope you know what you're doing.

Uzuki left the room and headed towards the CIC.

In the CIC:

Fukuyama: Ah, Uzuki, what brings you here?

Uzuki: Captain, we've found an enemy shuttle heading towards Earth. Can you lend us a shuttle so we can intercept it?

Fukuyama: Why, though?

Uzuki: We think that whoever is inside that shuttle may be able to give us valuable information. If we simply shot it down whoever's inside will most likely be killed, but I want that person alive.

Fukuyama: Uzuki... are you sure you're able to capture a Donsilan?

Uzuki: I am; I'm confident in my abilities.

Fukuyama: Very well, then. I'll send a pilot to accompany you.

Uzuki: Thank you, Captain.

Fukuyama: But remember, we're working to win this battle.

Uzuki: Right.

Uzuki left the CIC.

While Uzuki was heading back, the spaceship suddenly shook, nearly knocking Uzuki off-balance.

Uzuki: What was that?

PA: Attention all hands. Attention all hands. The magic barrier is down. Damage has been sustained at port.

Uzuki: I better hurry.

Uzuki returned to the room where Wakaba and Benio were. Aoi had already returned with the others.

Wakaba: Ah, you're back.

Uzuki: Anyway, we've been lent a shuttle.

Louise: Uzuki, you're going to try and intercept that enemy shuttle?

Uzuki: Yes. We should head to the hangar immediately.

Himawari: Uzuki, I don't know if your plan will work, but I guess it's better than just waiting around.

Uzuki headed towards the hangar, with everyone else following.

At the hangar, the pilot was waiting for the girls.

Pilot: Ah, you're here.

The spaceship shook again.

PA: Attention all hands. Attention all hands. Damage has been sustained at port.

Uzuki: Again...

Kanade: Anyway, we better get on. I don't know how long we should stay on board.

Uzuki: Okay.

The girls boarded the shuttle, with the pilot following close behind. The shuttle door closed, and the hangar door opened. The shuttle taxied towards the runway, then fired its rockets, sending it into space.

On board the shuttle:

Himawari: Do you have any idea where the shuttle is heading?

Pilot: At the moment, it appears to be heading towards Europe.

Louise: Do we have any personnel stationed in Europe?

Himawari: Not that we know of. But there should be some mages and magical girls on standby there.

Uzuki: Well, regardless, we're going to intercept that shuttle.

Pilot: I hate to say this, little one, but the rockets are at its maximum thrust right now. And it appears that the enemy shuttle is faster.

Aoi: And this shuttle doesn't have any weapons. But neither does the enemy shuttle. How about we follow the shuttle and try to capture whoever is inside it?

Himawari: That sounds okay with me. Alright, then, let's see where the shuttle lands.

Melody: Lyra, can you tell where the shuttle is right now?

Lyra: Sort of. I feel something coming from it.

Kanade: Me too. It's as if the fourth pendant is on board that shuttle.

Melody: Wait... then that means Aria is in that shuttle.

Uzuki: Wait, who is Aria? Is she the fourth of your group?

Kanade: She is. However, she willingly joined the enemy faction, unlike Melody, who was pretty much dragged kicking and screaming by the faction to work for them.

Aoi: I see. So it'll be like before, right?

Melody: Ah, right. Our battle.

Lyra: Everyone, I think I know where the shuttle is heading.

Himawari: Lyra, where?

Lyra: It's heading for Italy.

Himawari looked out the window.

Himawari: I see. But where exactly?

Pilot: As we speak, the enemy shuttle is heading towards Naples.

Himawari: Thanks. Can you take us there?

Pilot: Yes.

Louise: Himawari, do you think that girl will try to destroy the city?

Himawari: We can't rule it out. But I don't think they'll send such a girl to a specific place just to destroy it. She's probably after the World Orbs.

Louise: But why would a World Orb be in a city?

Himawari: Louise, I don't think we can assume that. It's possible that her destination is not Naples, but rather, Mount Vesuvius.

Uzuki: Vesuvius? You mean the volcano which destroyed Pompeii?

Melody: Well, we had the suspicion that Earth's fire-elemental World Orb was around Mount Vesuvius. Don't tell me that the girl is going to...

Louise: Indeed. A volcanic eruption can cause more devastation that we cannot prevent.

Pilot: Everyone, we're about to enter the atmosphere. Please brace yourselves for re-entry.

Everyone: Right!

The shuttle landed just outside Naples. Everyone exited the shuttle.

Himawari: Oh, and one more thing I'd like to ask. Does anyone speak Italian?

There was an awkward moment of silence.

Himawari: No one?

Uzuki: Sorry... I do speak English, though.

Himawari: That wasn't what I was asking.

Kanade: Umm... I can speak their language.

Himawari: You can, Kanade? Then you can be our interpreter.

Kanade: Ah, okay.

Uzuki: Kanade, what did the soldiers know about the enemy shuttle?

Kanade: They said that it was headed straight for the mountain. I told them that they should prepare for an eruption, just in case.

Uzuki: Then... let's go, everyone. To the volcano.

The girls flew over and around Mount Vesuvius, trying to find the occupant of the enemy shuttle. While they were searching, the enemy launched several attacks. In the air, their drone fighters were locked in battle with the combined air forces of Europe.

Uzuki: Do you see her?

Lyra: No...

Kanade: There's no sign of her.

Melody: Wait... couldn't we use our pendants to find her?

Kanade: Ah, why didn't I think of that? That's a great idea, Melody!

Melody: Alright, then. Let's hold out our pendants.

The three took out their pendants and began to focus. The pendants began to glow, and eventually emitted beams of light, all pointing to a specific spot on the mountain.

Aoi: Over there!

The girls headed in the direction of the beam. When they arrived, the found what appeared to be a young girl.

Kanade: We finally meet... Aria.

The girl initially did not respond.

Melody: Are you going to say something, Aria?

The girl finally responded.

Aria: Kanade... Melody... Lyra... fancy meeting you here. I didn't expect to find you here. But now that all of you are here... abandon the humans. Let us work together to retake the galaxy.

Kanade: No.

Melody: I never wanted to work with you. Besides, I can't really switch sides given my situation.

Lyra: I don't remember anything, so no.

Aria: You won't? The World Orbs are ours, and ours alone. We are tasked with searching for them, to return the galaxy to the Donsilans. Us. Don't tell me, you're just going to give these filthy humans the galaxy?

Kanade: What would be the purpose, though? Genocide is a solution I will not accept. I will not forgive anyone who dares to suggest exterminating an entire species. That is not what we Donsilans are supposed to do. We must work for peace in the galaxy. Taking it back through strength of arms is not the right way to do it.

Aria: And what about you, Melody?

Melody: As I said, in my current situation, I cannot switch sides. Besides, I never wanted to be a part of all of this anyway. Sure, humans may be inferior compared to us, but I believe that the galaxy should be left to them.

Aria: What do you mean by your situation? You mean that you're actually their captive?

Melody: You could say that. The humans with us were the ones who defeated me. It seems that I had underestimated their power.

Aria: I see. Well, in that case, I'll test their power.

Aria readied her weapon.

Aria: You are Uzuki Miyana, am I correct?

Uzuki: Yes, that is me.

Aria: I've heard quite a fair bit about you. Especially the fact that you nearly took down a spaceship on your own. However, I'm here to challenge you. I want to see who is better. So, will you accept my challenge?

Uzuki: I accept.

Aria: Very well, then.

Aria charged straight at Uzuki, who managed to block the attack.

Wakaba: Uzuki!

Uzuki: I'm fine, Wakaba.

Uzuki countered by shooting a bolt of electricity at Aria, which temporarily stunned her.

Aoi: Uzuki, let us fight alongside you. You alone may not be able to defeat her, but if we combine our strength, then we have a chance.

Benio: Aoi's right. Only if we work together can we win.

Wakaba: Uzuki... this isn't just your fight. This is everyone's fight. That's why, you need to allow us to lend you our strength.

Uzuki: Everyone... thank you. Let's do this... together.

Himawari: Everyone, here she comes again.

Aria charged straight at the girls. This time, everyone launched simultaneous attacks to counter her charge. As a result, Aria was forced onto the defensive.

Aria: Nine against one isn't fair, you know.

Melody: You kind of have a point, since I had to fight against six magical girls at the same time. But, war isn't supposed to be fair.

A green magic circle appeared beneath Aria's feet. Suddenly, thousands of vines emerged from the ground below, forcing the girls to fly into the air. Benio countered the attack by sending thousands of fireballs towards the vines, burning them off.

Aria: Tch... I guess plant-based spells won't work, since you can use fire magic. Then, how about this?!

The wind began to pick up. Almost immediately after, it became so powerful that the girls struggled to remain in one place. However, the spell was suddenly cut off after Uzuki managed to hit Aria with another bolt of electricity.

Uzuki: Right, it's our turn now!

Uzuki began to cast a spell, and a yellow magic circle appeared beneath her feet.

Uzuki: Wakaba, Aoi, help me with this spell!

Wakaba: Right!

Aoi: Okay, then.

Wakaba and Aoi began to cast their respective spells, with magic circles appearing beneath their feet. Storm clouds began to surround the mountain.

Kanade: What are you three doing? Wait... you're manipulating the weather?

Melody: Even among Donsilans, fine control over the weather is rare; most of the time, when one tries to control the weather, one gets lots of heat, water or ice. But I heard that the humans' species-specific ability is to utilise the environment to its fullest advantage, and that includes manipulating the weather.

Louise: So you're saying that the reason we have so many weather mages is because it's a special ability of humans?

Melody: Most likely. This also means that the only way a Donsilan can defeat a human is through overwhelming power; there are no advantages a Donsilan can take, nothing for them to exploit.

Himawari: I see.

Aria tried to attack the three who were in the middle of casting the spell; however, Benio snuck up to her and punched her towards the ground.

Benio: Nice try, but you're forgetting about us.

Aria: I wonder, just how far are you humans going to go for victory?

Benio: Further than you can anticipate. Aria, you're actually after the April Light, am I correct?

Aria: Who told you?

Melody: It was me.

Kanade: Me too.

Aria: I see. So you know about it. The World Orbs are the key to finding the April Light. With them, we will find her, and with her help, we will take back the galaxy.

Kanade: How naïve, Aria. How do we know that the April Light is a Donsilan? What if she's human?

Aria: Don't be crazy. Of course the April Light is a Donsilan.

Melody: The prophecy said nothing about who the April Light actually is, other than being a magical girl.

Aria: Well, if it's a Donsilan prophecy, then the April Light must be a Donsilan.

Benio: I don't quite follow your logic, Aria. I had the fortune of watching a performance of a particular play a while ago. In it, a prophecy had stated that one of the characters could not be killed by anyone born from a woman.

Aria: Wait, isn't that everyone?

Benio: Not quite.

Louise: The person who did kill that character, wasn't born properly. He was torn from his mother's womb. Although, nowadays it's a common procedure. Anyway, that should illustrate to you that we can only trust the exact words of a prophecy.

Uzuki: Just what are you doing talking amongst yourselves?!

Suddenly Aria was struck by lightning.

Benio: Ah, sorry, Uzuki.

Aria: That wasn't very fair, Uzuki.

Uzuki: Well, if you don't want that happening again, don't talk to your enemy, fight!

Aria: Right! Here I come!

Aria charged straight at Uzuki. Suddenly, it began to rain very heavily. Aria continued on her way towards Uzuki, picking up speed as she went.

Aoi: Everyone, barriers!

Everyone: Right!

Everyone except Aria put up barriers.

Aria: Huh? What's going on? Ow!

Hail suddenly fell onto the mountain.

Wakaba: Also, Aria, I wouldn't fly through rain at speed without a barrier. Water can be quite damaging, you know.

Aria: Now you tell me...

Aria began to cast a spell. The wind began to pick up again; however, it died down almost as soon as it picked up.

Aria: What?

Wakaba: Sorry about that, but I won't let you blow us away.

Aria: You...

Aria fired a magic beam at Wakaba, who evaded the attack. Wakaba responded by shooting hundreds of arrows at Aria, who put up a barrier to protect herself from the arrows.

Aoi: My turn now.

Hundreds of icicles appeared around Aoi. Almost immediately, they were thrown straight at Aria, who attempted to evade them. However, she was distracted enough not to notice Louise firing her gun at her, and one of the bullets managed to hit her.

Aria: Ah.... If it were one-on-one...

At that point Aria was knocked out of the air by a massive jet of water.

Melody: Ehehe.... How do you like that?!

Aria: Melody... I'll get you for that!

Aria charged straight at Melody; however, lightning struck Aria again.

Uzuki: Hey, don't forget about me!

Uzuki charged towards the stunned Aria, and readied her sword, which was enveloped in electricity. With one mighty swing, she landed a hit on Aria, dealing significant damage and sending her straight towards the ground.

Benio: Right, then, here I come!

Benio dived down straight towards Aria, while enveloped in a red glow. Upon impact, there was an explosion. Benio emerged from the explosion.

Wakaba: Is it over?

Aoi: I don't think so. Not yet.

Aria emerged from the resulting dust cloud.

Aria: Looks like I have to resort to drastic measures. I severely underestimated you.

A large green magic circle appeared beneath Aria's feet.

Aria: Bloom, my flower!

Suddenly there was a bright flash of green light. When the light died down, Aria had green energy wings, and her weapon transformed into a giant spear.

Aria: Now, let's see if you can handle this!

Aria began to cast a spell. The wind began to pick up, and eventually became strong enough to blow the storm clouds away.

Uzuki: If you're going to go into Full Burst mode, then I will as well.

Wakaba: Me too. I want you to witness first hand our full power.

Large magic circles appeared beneath the feet of Uzuki and Wakaba.

Uzuki & Wakaba: Bloom, my flower!

There was a bright flash of light.

End of Episode 11

Next episode preview

Uzuki: So I guess the next episode is the final episode of the chapter.

Aoi: Looks that way. But, really, this is only the beginning. There will be more to come.

Wakaba: Benio, do you know how many chapters this story will comprise?

Benio: How am I supposed to know?! That's something the author should say!

Aoi: Well, if we assume that searching for the World Orbs takes a chapter for each set, then we can expect the story to last at least seven chapters. But who knows, maybe the author may pull a twist."

Wakaba: Also, will there be a next episode preview at the end of the next episode?

Benio: No, from what I heard. Anyway...

Uzuki: Next time on Innocence Seekers: April Light, Episode 12: "The Next Quest". Be sure not to miss it!

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Translation guides

In case if anyone wants to translate this episode, I may post some translation guides. These may or may not be specific to translations to specific languages.

Note: The English version as published here is the original version and the "master copy" when it comes to translations. It is highly advised that all translations come from this version. Also note that you are encouraged to look at the translation guides of previous episodes; I will not repeat guides from earlier episodes here.

To Japanese

  • Kazuya Akagawa → 赤川和也
    • Kazuya → 和也
    • Inori calls him "Aniki" (兄貴) in Japanese.
  • Aria → アリア
  • LSNS Eternity → 裏宇宙艦エターニティー (riuchūkan etānitī)