Innocence Seekers: April Light/Chapter 1/Episode 9

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This is the ninth episode, "Lyra" (ライラ), of the first chapter of Innocence Seekers: April Light.

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Episode text

On board the Himiko, the girls headed inside the infirmary, where Kaede was waiting.

Kaede: You did well, everyone. But it came at a cost, right?

Himawari: Ah, yes. Aoi's device was destroyed in the battle.

Kaede: Well, Hiyori and I can create a new device for her. Besides, for Aoi, I have just the thing I need.

Kaede took out her own device.

Aoi: Your own device?

Kaede: That's right. Aoi, we actually have similar Inherent Abilities. So my own device will be useful as a template for your own device.

Aoi: Is it to do with the fact that Ishizuka seems to think I'm related to her?

Kaede: You know, I have the same feeling as well. The fact that our Inherent Abilities are similar just makes the connection seem more plausible.

Aoi: Do you think we'll ever know if we're related?

Kaede: I'm not sure. But, then again, the further back we go, the more likely it is that we will find a common ancestor.

Louise: Anyway, about the girl we brought in...

Kaede: Her condition is stable right now. Louise, when we arrive back on Earth, can you take her to Natasha's house?

Louise: Ah, okay. But we were initially intending to head back to Sydney first.

Kaede: Well, you can take her yourself. The others can head back to Sydney without you.

Lyra: Umm, I'll come with you, Lou-Lou.

Louise: Ah, thanks, Lyra. By the way, Lyra...

Lyra: What is it?

Louise: When we encountered the girl, your speech was... different. Not only did you not refer to us by nicknames, but you seemed... more blunt than usual. Why was that?

Lyra: I... I don't know. It was a weird feeling, but it made me a bit more serious than usual.

Himawari: I'll remain on the Himiko. Aoi, do you still have that blue orb?

Aoi: Yes.

Himawari: Then you three can use it to return.

Aoi: Ah, okay.

Aoi left the infirmary.

Kaede: Are you sure it's okay to let them go like that?

Himawari: Well, they do need rest after that battle. Besides, when we head back to Earth, it'll be Saturday there.

Kaede: Ah, right, the weekend. Anyway, what will happen next?

Himawari: Well, we don't know at the moment. For now, we need to report to the higher-ups about this.

The next day:

Lyra: Is this it?

Louise: Looks like it.

The two girls, carrying the mysterious girl with them, found themselves at Natasha's rather large mansion in Melbourne.

Lyra: It's so huge...

Louise: Well, the Bensons are one of the richest families in the Zodiac Warriors. You should see their London property. It's even bigger than this.

Lyra: So... can we just go in?

Louise: No; the gate won't open by itself. We need to tell whoever's inside that there are visitors.

The two girls walked to the gate. Louise pressed a button on a panel beside the gate. A woman's voice responded from the panel.

Voice: The young lady has been waiting for you. Please enter. The gate opened.

Louise: Right, then, we should head inside.

Lyra: Okay.

The two girls entered the mansion. Inside, a maid was waiting.

Maid: Welcome to the Benson family mansion, Melbourne. The young lady has been waiting for your arrival, so please allow me to lead you to her.

Louise: Please do so.

The maid headed towards the room where Natasha was waiting. On the way, Lyra began to speak to Louise.

Lyra: Lou-Lou, I knew Natasha's family was rich, but not this rich. I mean, you said that they have a mansion even bigger than this, and I feel like I could get lost here.

Louise: You know, Lyra, her grandfather is actually quite famous in England. They speak of him as possibly the most successful businessman in the entire country.

Lyra: Wow, I didn't know that...

Louise: It's too bad, though, that his son isn't following in his footsteps. But Natasha herself is already looking to make money through working as a medical researcher. It's a bit too soon, but I'm sure she'll succeed.

Lyra: I see.

After a while, the girls arrived at the room where Natasha was waiting. The maid opened the door, and the girls entered.

Natasha: Welcome, Louise, Lyra.

Louise: We were asked to send this girl to you.

Natasha: I heard from Amelia. The order was to interrogate this girl once she wakes up. Can you please set her down on one of the beds?

Louise: Okay.

Louise and Lyra put down the girl on one of the beds.

Natasha: Now, there is one other reason why you are here, Louise.

Louise: What is it?

Natasha: It's about Lyra. In fact, I'm glad you brought her here.

Lyra: Me?

Louise: What did you want to ask me about regarding her?

Natasha: Chelsea told me that Lyra is likely a Donsilan herself.

Louise: Well, the battle we just had all but confirms it. I knew that the Donsilans had the ability to nullify species-specific abilities, up to and including the Donsilans' own ability to knock a mage out of Full Burst mode. The girl we fought attempted to knock Wakaba out of Full Burst mode, but Lyra was able to prevent her from doing that.

Natasha: I see. Now, Lyra, I know that you've lost your memories five years ago, so I won't force answers from you. But, can you at least tell me if any of those memories have returned?

Lyra: I... I still don't remember. But that girl told me that we were in the same orphanage.

Natasha: I see. I'll ask more from her when she wakes up.

Louise: This is just a theory, but I think that Gakran was responsible for Lyra's memory loss, as well as the fact that she's here in the first place.

Natasha: You think so too, Louise? Gakran has affected us all in one way or another, so it wouldn't be surprising if that were the case.

Lyra: Umm... there is one thing I've had for as long as I remember.

Lyra took out a pendant.

Natasha: Ah, you showed me that before. It's an Innocence Shard, a powerful object said to contain the essence required to kill demons and witches.

Louise: An Innocence Shard? Natasha, what do you know about them?

Natasha: I don't know about Donsilans, but for humans, there is a very small chance that one will appear once a magical girl loses the ability to use the power we need to kill demons and witches. It can be used by any female mage, and is just as effective at killing demons and witches as a magical girl.

Lyra: But why do I have something like this? And, who originally owned this?

Natasha: We don't know. You clearly don't know, as you lost your memories. But the girl may know.

The girl lying on the bed began to wake up.

Girl: Umm... uhh... where am I?

Lyra: Ah, you're awake.

Girl: Oh, it's you, Lyra.

Louise: About time you woke up. You promised to tell us about Lyra if we defeated you.

Girl: Ah, right. By the way, weren't you speaking a different language when we fought?

Louise: Ah, I'm fluent in both Japanese and English. Anyway, what do you know about Lyra?

Girl: Before I say anything about her, let me introduce myself first. I didn't get the chance to introduce myself before, so... call me Melody.

Lyra: That's your human name, right?

Melody: Yes. I'll tell you my real name later on, in private.

Lyra: Ah, okay.

Louise: I should introduce myself as well. I am Louise, a princess of Likkra. The other girl with us is Natasha.

Melody: Nice to meet you. By the way, Natasha, might you be the daughter of Lily Benson?

Natasha: Wait, how do you know about my mother?

Melody: I was specifically told to avoid her. My superiors told me that no one they knew was powerful enough to defeat her in a straight fight. They specifically mentioned her incredible defensive powers, her ability with healing magic, and her Inherent Ability.

Natasha: I guess even the Donsilans know about my mother. Anyway, Melody, can you tell me why you came here in the first place?

Melody: It was to take back the World Orbs. Or at least that's what my superiors said. To be honest, I don't know the true purpose of my mission.

Louise: Then, what do you know about Lyra?

Melody: As I said before, we were from the same orphanage. My memories of the time when we were together are a bit hazy, but I clearly remember the time I first met her. Lyra was a shy girl, so she often kept to herself, even when others want her to play with them. I was actually her first friend; it just so happens that I was persistent enough to get through to her. Then, of course, that incident happened, and we never saw each other again, until now. It's just a bit unfortunate that Lyra had lost her memories in that incident.

Lyra: But... I get the feeling that they may someday return. But, thanks for remembering me, Melody.

Melody: I see you're still the soft-spoken girl I befriended five years ago.

Natasha: Now, can you tell me why the people you worked for are after her?

Melody: I'm not so sure about that. I was specifically told to take Lyra alive, but I was not told why. However, from what I heard from my superiors, Lyra is an important character in a prophecy passed down among the Donsilans.

Louise: A prophecy?

Melody: We originally left the galaxy because a powerful abomination threatened our entire galactic civilisation. The prophecy states that one day, a magical girl, referred to in the prophecy only by the name "April Light", will defeat that abomination once and for all.

Louise: But why the name, though?

Melody: The prophecy states that the event will occur in the fourth month of our calendar. Hence the name.

Lyra: And what do I have to do with this prophecy? Are you suggesting that I am the April Light?

Melody: No, I'm not. No one even has a clue. We searched long and hard, but we still do not know who is the April Light. However, Lyra, you hold one of the keys to finding out who the April Light is.

Lyra: Eh, me?

Melody: Lyra, you still have that pendant, right?

Lyra: Ah, yes. But how did you know?

Melody took out her pendant.

Melody: This is my own. Lyra, take yours out as well.

Lyra: Ah, okay.

Lyra took out her pendant.

Natasha: Wow, they look nearly identical.

Louise: Melody, what about the pendants?

Melody: There are four of these pendants. They are the four fragments of the Innocence Shard originating from the magical girl who helped the Donsilans escape the galaxy in the first place. Legend has it that she fought the abomination to a stalemate, but ultimately lost her life. As of now, the Shards are the only things we have left of her.

Louise: And what are your roles in this prophecy?

Melody: Each of us is to search for a magical girl with particular traits. Unfortunately, we don't have much information we can use to help us in our search; in fact, our pendants are the only way we can even determine who to search for. Lyra, let us hold out our pendants.

Lyra: Okay.

The two held out their pendants.

Melody: Now, focus.

Lyra: Okay.

The two focused. Magic circles appeared beneath their feet. The pendants began to glow, but the colour of their glow differed from the magic colours of the two. After a while, the glow died down.

Louise: And what does that tell you?

Melody: It's only a start, but it told us the magic colour of the girls we're after. Lyra is to search for a magical girl with yellow magic colour. Mine is green.

Louise: You know, magical girls with those magic colours are right here.

Melody: I know you're joking, but we really need more clues before we can conclusively determine anything. Lyra, let me tell you one thing.

Lyra: What is it?

Melody: Out of the four girls tasked with searching for these magical girls, you are the one with the closest connection to the April Light.

Lyra: I am?

Natasha: Wait, what do you mean?

Melody: That's what my superiors said. I don't know how or why, though.

Louise: Anyway...

Lyra: Wait... something is coming back to me.

Melody: Lyra, what is it?

Lyra: Are these... some of my memories?

Louise: Lyra, tell us.

Lyra: Faces which I could not recall before now... yes. It really is you, Melody. I... I remember now. You've been by my side all those years ago, in some way I'm glad that you're still looking after me.

Melody: Well, at least you have some of your memories back.

Natasha: Lyra, did anything important come back to you?

Lyra: No... not to my knowledge. It was mainly my time with Melody.

Louise: I see. Anyway, Melody, about your superiors... do they represent the entire Donsilan race?

Melody: No; in fact, my adoptive mother was actually opposed to all of this. It just so happens that she was blackmailed into sending me off. I know of countless others who want to leave you humans alone.

Natasha: So that confirms what some of us have theorised.

Melody: So you've figured it out? I was wondering why my superiors didn't send state-of-the-art ships to just take over the galaxy.

Louise: Anyway, Natasha, is it okay if we stay here?

Natasha: Ah, you're always welcome here. Lyra as well.

Lyra: Ah, thanks, Natasha.

Melody: Anyway, there's one more thing I have to say right now.

Natasha: What is it?

Melody: But before that, I'd like to ask you something. Who do you think the April Light actually is?

Louise: We have no idea. We can only guess.

Natasha: But, even though this is a Donsilan prophecy, it doesn't mean that this magical girl must be a Donsilan.

Melody: Natasha, you may be right. I think so too. I actually believe that the April Light is actually a human. After all, it is humans who inherited the galaxy.

Louise: That makes sense.

Natasha: Anyway, Melody, I've been ordered to not allow you to leave this mansion. There are many others who wish to speak to you.

Melody: I understand.

Suddenly, the sound of plates shattering was heard from the lower levels.

Voice: The plates!

Voice: I told you to be careful; you know there's a toddler running around the place.

Voice: Well, why is she even allowed to just wander the place?

Voice: Then call the young lady. I'm sure she'll sort things out.

Melody: What... was that?

Natasha: It must be my little sister wreaking havoc among our maids. And it looks like we need new plates.

Melody: Your sister?

Natasha: Her name is Olivia. Well, you'll have to get used to all this.

Melody: I... I am not looking forward to this...

Lyra: Well, you have to feel for the maids, though; they need to deal with this every day.

Natasha: Anyway, I'll be heading down to see what's going on.

Natasha left the room.

Meanwhile, in Sydney, Wakaba, Aoi and Benio arrived at Catherine's house.

Catherine: Welcome back. I assume that you were successful, right?

Aoi: We were.

Catherine: Now, Chelsea has told me that we need to visit Uzuki right now.

Wakaba: Why? Is it that important?

Catherine: We'll tell you when we get to the hospital.

Wakaba: Ah, okay.

At the hospital:

Wakaba: Uzuki! How are you feeling?

Uzuki: I'm fine now. The doctor said that I can leave at any time.

Wakaba: Thank goodness... we can return home now, right?

Uzuki: Yes, that's right. However, Yayoi-nee told me that it is imperative that we return to Tokyo.

Aoi: What for?

Benio: Uzuki, why? Is there more coming?

Uzuki: I'm not exactly sure; the only thing I can think of is to ask Inorin or Sumippe.

Catherine: Ah, I'll tell you why. The Donsilans are heightening their effort in taking back the World Orbs.

Uzuki: What does that mean?

Catherine: Unfortunately, I don't know much beyond that. It's possible that Kaori can tell you more.

Aoi: Anyway, it looks like we should get going. Uzuki, let's head back home.

Uzuki: Yes, Aocchi.

Catherine: Oh, and Chelsea and I will be coming with you to Tokyo.

Uzuki: Why?

Catherine: Natasha's mother requested us to accompany you four.

Uzuki: Okay...

Aoi: Anyway, let's go, everyone.

The girls headed to the airport, to take the next flight to Tokyo.

Uzuki: By the way, Catherine, where are the others?

Catherine: From what I heard, Himawari is currently on board the Himiko. Louise and Lyra are in Melbourne right now, speaking to the Donsilan girl.

Uzuki: Ah, okay.

Catherine: Uzuki, there's something I need to tell you.

Uzuki: What is it?

Catherine: I just heard from Natasha. The Donsilan girl has mentioned a prophecy known among the Donsilans.

Uzuki: A prophecy?

Catherine: This prophecy speaks of a magical girl known only as the "April Light". Lyra, and the Donsilan girl, are apparently supposed to search for specific magical girls important to this prophecy.

Uzuki: So, what significance does this prophecy have?

Catherine: So far, the Donsilans are after the World Orbs. It's not clear what their true intentions are, but it's possible that they're actually after the April Light.

Aoi: But why, though?

Catherine: It is said that the April Light will one day defeat the very abomination that forced the Donsilans from the galaxy in the first place. To find the April Light, four specific magical girls must be sought, and must be brought together. Only then will the April Light be revealed. Lyra, and the Donsilan girl, have the means to search for them: pendants consisting of the four fragments of a special Innocence Shard.

Benio: So, does that mean that they're seeking the April Light to take back the galaxy?

Catherine: As I said, it's not clear what their true intentions are. But the fact that the Donsilans are specifically after Lyra, and with the appearance of that specific girl, I think it could be related to the April Light.

Wakaba: Then do we have any clue as to who the April Light is? Or the four magical girls?

Catherine: The only thing we know, according to Natasha, is that one of the four has a yellow magic colour, and another of the four has a green magic colour.

Aoi: What about the others?

Catherine: We do not know; in fact, we cannot know until the other two girls tasked with searching for them arrive in the galaxy. Anyway, we better get going.

Uzuki: Ah, right.

End of Episode 9

Next episode preview

Uzuki: Huh? Where is everyone?

There was no response.

Uzuki: Anyway, the April Light prophecy was quite intriguing. But to think the Donsilans' actions were all done for the sake of this prophecy...

Wakaba walked in.

Wakaba: Sorry I'm late, Uzuki.

Uzuki: Wakaba, where is everyone?

Wakaba: Aoi and Benio said that they had something to do, so they aren't coming.

Uzuki: Ah, right. Anyway...

Wakaba: Next time on Innocence Seekers: April Light, Episode 10: "Before the Storm". Be sure not to miss it!

Uzuki: Hey, I was supposed to say that!

Wakaba: Ehehe... I wanted to do that while you are still around.

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Translation guides

In case if anyone wants to translate this episode, I may post some translation guides. These may or may not be specific to translations to specific languages.

Note: The English version as published here is the original version and the "master copy" when it comes to translations. It is highly advised that all translations come from this version. Also note that you are encouraged to look at the translation guides of previous episodes; I will not repeat guides from earlier episodes here.

To Japanese